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Graphics Standards Libraries and Tools

HOOPS Graphics System

Autodesk Oem Sales

HOOPS is a high-level graphics API used to create portable and high-performance 3-D graphics applications. HOOPS has been adopted by many ofthe world's largest 3-D software developers including Autodesk andComputervision. Programmers can port HOOPS applications across majorworkstations and PCs without modification. NEW_PARAGRAPH Because of itshigh-level declarative interface, HOOPS applications can be built five to10 times faster than using conventional graphics systems. HOOPS alsoprovides hardware drawing performance across all Sun hardware. HOOPSprovides a single interface to all major workstations and PC platforms,windowing systems and hard copy formats. HOOPS is compatible with all SunSPARC platforms, OPEN LOOK, X Window System, and XGL-based graphicsaccelerators.

Language: C
Source Avail: No
Product Special Handling: None.
Operating Systems: Solaris Sparc 2.2,2.4

Autodesk Oem Sales
1301 Marina Village Pkwy
Alameda, CA 94501
Phone: (510) 523-5900
Fax: (510) 523-2880
Email: EM oeminfo@autodesk.com____